Member Benefits
The following are the benefits you will receive as a member of PAO-HNS:
Soundings Newsletter
Members receive hard copies of Soundings, the PAO-HNS member newsletter.
Legislative Representation
Representation in the state legislature via our own lobbyist.
Direct Input with Medicare
Representation on the Novitas Solutions Carrier Advisory Committee (CAC), which has input into local Medicare reimbursement policy.
Specialty Events Listings
Members may post their specialty events at no cost.
Priority Review for ENT Journals
Priority review for possible publication in ENT Journal, the official journal of the PAO-HNS.
National Representation
Representation on the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head Neck and Neck Surgery's Board of Governors.
Discounted Registration for Annual Science Meeting
Discounted registration to our annual Scientific Meeting featuring CME-approved educational seminars focused on current otolaryngology topics and family-oriented social functions.