Exhibitor & Sponsor Registration
Support PAO-HNS at the Annual Scientific Meeting
Exhibitor & Sponsor Registration is NOW OPEN!
Click the image to the left to view the full prospectus.
Support Opportunities
Exhibitor Package
Lanyard Sponsor
Provide Lanyards for all attendees with company logo and PAO-HNS logo.
SOLD WIO Sponsorship
One Hour Session with presentation from an esteemed female leader in the specialty of otolaryngology.
Logo on Hotel Key Card
Have your company logo on the front of The Hotel Hershey key card.
ISS Program | $7,000
Take advantage of the opportunity to present information about your product(s) one-on-one with program attendees by purchasing an Industry Sponsored Symposium (ISS). ISS programs are a separate, private function which do not compete with the PAO-HNS educational program or other events. You will have exclusive access to meeting attendees. Only paid
exhibitors may purchase an ISS.